If asked where and how to obtain the best payday advance, it is recommended to seek the path of least resistance. This often times means another option for a cash loan. More likely than not the payday advance model usually charges the equivalent of an APR of 400% interest, and will require that borrower to relaunch their bank information so as to potential bill their next payday in the case the loan isn't repaid on time. Collateral lenders are known to make the borrowing business a cinch. This is easy in that they keep things simple for both parties. The only requirement for this type of loan is something of value that can be traded as a deposit for the money in hand. This simple level of security protects the lender in the worst case where the loan isn't paid back on time. The only consequence to the person borrowing is that they lose their item of value. It is not to say that pawn shops won't extend contracts in those types of situations. Learn more here!